Friday, April 19, 2024

Is this a bit nuts or...?

Nellie and I walk by this house frequently, and every time we go by, I wonder what the rationale for obstructing the sidewalk to the house is meant to do. It gets in the way of someone parking in front and walking straight up. Notice that in the pots there is a small sign that says Private Property. Clearly the pots are on what constitutes the parkway, which is City property. It is also odd because people generally leave items on the curb for passersby to take or for bulk trash pickup. The pots have been there for years, so clearly everyone understands they are not being given or thrown away. Mmmmm. And naturally I'd pick trash day to take the picture.

On a fun note, we also pass by a house on the same street with two small Shih Tzus, who are very vocal in telling us we can't walk in front of their yard. Today, however, the dog gods were smiling upon us and they both stopped yapping long enough for me to get pictures of their cuteness. They are adorable and just maybe they will start accepting our presence. I doubt it, but we can dream.


  1. The first picture is pretty funny because the Private Property sign will only be viewed by someone leaving the house as it doesn't face the street.
