Saturday, April 13, 2024

Hidden gems

It never ceases to amaze me the intricate and hidden beauties that are in our neighborhood. Some are in plain view, but down cul-de-sacs one might not normally tread. Of course, Nellie and I are fearless in that regard, and happily explore. A set of beautifully tiled stairs caught my eye. Since cobalt blue is my favorite color, the door is striking as well.

Another house has a walkway that at first glance is a bit prosaic, until you notice the small tile insets.

Naturally, as a very nosy person, I have a tendency to peer beyond hedges and this entry way has always intrigued me. This is one house we pass by regularly and I have been tempted for years to ask to see the tile alcove at their door. Propriety has always won out over curiosity until today. I daringly took photos (from the sidewalk of course), and using the wonders of modern photographic technology, actually got a closer view of something that has teased me for too long. First, their entryway has wonderful shaped tile to the stairs, and with the iron work gate, it gives it a very Mediterranean feel. See what you think.

And now for the wonderful alcove which has an ancient Egyptian feel:

Reminder -- click on the pictures for a larger view.

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