Saturday, April 27, 2024

Don't hate me because I'm swaleful

And here you naively thought we were done with the whole swale thing. Hardly. The following examples show you just how decorative and useful they can be.

This house has put swales on the parkway and in their front yard. Not only do they show off the plantings, but they are elegant in their simplicity.

This swale is a bit different in configuration and I suspect budget had something to do with it (like my attempt). It's mostly gravel, and while it doesn't have the pop of the top two, it does what's intended and captures water. This garden has recently been revamped and in a couple of years should be awash in native plants.

Speaking of native plants, or at least drought tolerant, this swale defies the usual standard by actually having succulents going down the center. It is also a magical addition to all the blooming foliage.

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