Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Is there such a thing as too much red?

There is an apartment complex that has so striking a color scheme, it's a wonder it hasn't gone viral. It's on a street which already has impressive craftsman style houses and cute cottages, but this one practically screams "look at me!" Every detail is meticulous in it's design and there are surprises everywhere you look.

Yes, that's a lion just randomly guarding the gate.

While rock walls are not at all uncommon, carefully paining each rock white and the cement binder red is highly unusual. Striking enough to draw your eye to what looks like family crests on the fence.

But the pièce de résistance has to be the seven dwarfs lining another length of fence. I only took one photo of the cutest one, but you can imagine the rest.

1 comment:

  1. You could spend a lot of time just looking at this house and its surrounds. I like the cactus they have planted in what looks like a planter box but probably isn't.
